Young MBA is a unique simulated blended programme for aspiring teenage professionals to learn business Management and Entrepreneurship! The unique gamified learning management system offers an immersive and interactive learning experience, which will help them to practice what they learn.
The course features 15 simulated business sessions designed and delivered by CEOs, CFOs, CPOs, International Coaches and Management consultants. The programme will take the participants to a real entrepreneur’slife starting from ideation to business launch!
The participants can opt for live group coaching sessions by expert mentors and can add on with live one on one business plan mentoring to take a quantum leap in establishing their business idea!
Moreover our Young MBAs get opportunity to participate in our monthly webinar series “Time with Corporate Heroes webinars”.
The participant embark on a journey of an entrepreneur along with his/her virtual team mates Edwin and Emma, who dream to start a global company! As a team, they will learn and practice various aspects of business, on a daily basis!
The course will get unlocked everyday to a world of new opportunities, and the participant will be able to access the course through pre-recorded expert videos delivered by CXOs, followed up with simulated activities to re-enforce the learning!
Everyday the participant will be delivered with 8-10 videos, where each video is of 5-7 minutes duration. The concepts are explained through real-life examples and case studies. After each and every video the participant need to discuss and practice the concepts along with the virtual team mates – Edwin and Emma, which will make learning much more interesting!
Each task completion will fetch the participant reward points where a daily super task may even fetch additional bonus points! It’s really gonna be fun!
The participant or parent can access the daily reward points, learning pace, learning accuracy but no comparative ranking! Because we know each participant is unique and they are going to compete to be a better professional, everyday!
Week 1 – First Step
Basics of business and Management, ideation,
Innovation, design thinking, Tools for analysis, creating
wow!, People and organizational citizenship
Week 2 – Money and Market
Financial literacy and money management, Know your
market, Demand and supply, Know your product,
know your customer, Moment of Truth
Week 3 – Fly high
Competition to collaboration, analysing the competition
sales and promotion, Digital hygiene, The great sales,
Ethics, integrity and social inclusion, Business plan and
big launch!
Session 1
Overcoming the failures
(Risk & Resilience)
Session 2
Listen | Empathise|Analyse|Deliver
Session 3
Brand ME
“Creating own brand
through delivering values”
Session 4
The changing consumer behaviour!
Session 5
The big picture
“International business landscape”